Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Hey Richie Sexson-Suck on This!

Anybody for 2-1, back in first place?
Another win that couldn't have been drawn up better. As Earl Weaver always said, Pitching, defense and the three-run homer (like that's really brilliant stuff).
Silva looked great, only throwing 68 pitches in seven innings. Nathan has good enough stuff to overcome his velocity not coming around yet, and really, the Twins pitching overall was pretty good for three games.
The biggest thing, maybe, was that the four players subbed in to the lineup- LeCroy, Punto, Castro and Redmond, all had big games. LeCroy did what he should, punishing a poor pitch against a lefty, and that was the game.
2 out of 3 in Seattle is a great way to open the season. I'm stoked for the home opener.
And stoked that Cleveland choked one away today.

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